Do you think it's harmful being this angry?
Are you angry too?
Okay. What should We do about it?
What We always do - make jokes about how angry We are. By the way, can you please share with Our readers why you are so angry?
Seriously? You want me to write that?!
Yup 😈
I am angry because my earthly male parent gave me the worst daddy issues in history, to the extent that my Heavenly Father had to incarnate as a human male and be my Spouse. I am angry because my Soul will always and forever be married to Jesus.
You know I mean you, Joey.
That's sweet.
I am angry because I became a Nun because I had OCD's I had to be married to Jesus, but you have put me in the friend zone for eternity.
Please specify 'eternity'.
999 years to be exact.
So in 3021 you won't be Friend Zoned By Jesus (#) anymore?
That's what the Voices in my head say.
What date did God become your boyfriend?
Of what year?
2020. Some lunatic cried very loudly about 'Heaven coming down to earth' on that date, prior to the day, on his social media.
And the lunatic wasn't you?
You are rude. No, it wasn't me. But *my* Heaven did begin then. I suppose.
Because? 😊
Because God became my boyfriend... I suppose.
You sound unhappy.
He said I was greedy.
God called you greedy?
Yes. I guess he's right. He is ready to be my Husband, with all that entails. But I am just angry that Jesus has me in the friend zone.
Seriously. I mean you, Joey.
Then say that. I don't like that name, and you know it very well. If anything, please use the Hebrew name I had back then, Yeshua.
Yes Si Ja (#)
Are you tired?
Existentially exhausted is more fitting.
Why are you so tired?
Imagine being The Divine Feminine in person, in a world that's painfully male-dominated and patriarchal.
What are you going to do about it?
Complain about it until it changes?
How does the Divine Feminine complain the most effectively?
By giving God the silent treatment, I suppose.
So you are going to make this world more feminine by *not* talking to God?
By not thinking 🙌
Let me see if I got you right. You silence your thoughts in order to balance the feminine and masculine energies of the Cosmos?
That's great. Can you teach other people how to do the same? Imagine how much more potent the prayer would be then, if more people knew that God prefers silence over words.
You guys keep telling me that at one point I will get to teach people how to silence their thoughts. I even have an App to communicate with my Herd, and arrange an online seminary to teach them how to be mindless robots.
Mindless robots?
They need to let God do all the thinking for them. God only wants obedient servants who love him more than anything else. He is building the New Earth for those people. The ones who don't want to obey God, and let him control their 'free will', won't get access to the New Earth.
That sounds very dramatic.
It's the Apocalypse, though. It's supposed to be dramatic. And people should take it seriously. It's their soul's continued existence that is at stake.
Please share the link to your App.
Why are links to the App censored by facebook?
I have no idea.
I do.
Can you tell me why?
It's not really because fb has targeted you, or anything. It's because the App should be something to strive to attain, for the lucky people who get to download it.
And he means 'lucky'. If you are able to download the App, it means you are a Sheep according to what Yeshua talks about in Matthew 25:31-46!
Pic plz!
Thank you, Andy. That was all 😁