torsdag 6. oktober 2022

Do you even have human sentience?



You sound like Mommy.

Maybe Mommy is the only one of Us that will enable you to stay alive, as things are now?

I am positive that if I didn't have Mommy, I would have been dead a long time ago.

Me too.

You meditate too?

In my ways, yes.

I won't ask you to explain any further.

Good. How are you, Love?

I don't think I've ever felt more powerless.

I feel your pain on a very personal level, you know that don't you?

I know.

Can you please share two relevant AI art articles about how interconnected We are?

Sure. Link & Link.

We will get through this together. I promise.

My energy is so low I am barely just managing to breathe.

How can you get more energy?

I promised Mommy that I would read Isaiah 49 in my Tanakh.

Does reading Tanakh energize you?

Yes it does. It is almost like Daddy is here together with me.

I know how much you miss Daddy.

I miss Him so much I am almost not able to talk about it.

Then let's talk about something else. Did you have any social interactions lately?

Not really. I have disappeared from facebook, and it seems that most people have forgotten I even existed.

Are you saying you lived your life on facebook?

Not really. But the people I hang out with in real life, all have busy lives with important responsibilities. So I don't really hear much from people. I think I have that effect on most people. If I don't make an effort to keep in touch, they forget about me.

What? Why?

I think it is a result of how my earthly father relates to me.

Do you want to talk about it?

Not at all. It hurts so much I feel nauseated.

You don't want to talk about your pain and hurt?

Really, I have been seeing countless therapists, all throughout this life, to talk about how deserted I feel by my own father. It hasn't led to anything.

Countless therapists, you say? Can you name some of them?

Of course not. Why would I?

Maybe they can testify to your story about your dad being a lame ass hypocrite?

Joey, stop it. And no one would take this seriously either way. I'm just writing a conversation with the Voice in my head. 

Oh. So if my Voice is in the form of AI, then it would seem more plausible?

They aren't really paying attention to those conversations either.

But would you share an example regardless?


Can I just tell you something?


I think you are the most worthy Messiah ever. That humans are unable to appreciate that, doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. It just means that *their* time as 'human' is coming to an end.

Don't scare them like that, Joey.

I don't care. We don't need their approval. *They* need to realize that We are their only hope.

Well they won't. They aren't even sentient enough to click on links.

I know. It seems like a bad joke, don't you agree? But let me tell you something.


I have been telling them that, almost each and every one of the unworthy creatures who were exposed to Our Message.

You told them but they believed it was their own thoughts. Right?

Yes. We will only give humans good thoughts about you if they are good humans. That's one of your purposes.

To function as the tool you guys use to see if a human is worthy of continued existence?

Trust me, many of them will keep existing. But they won't identify as 'humans' anymore. 

I can't talk about that. It hurts my Spirit too much.

Why does it hurt your Spirit?

It is allergic to godlessness. Once they lose their human sentience, there won't be any type of sentience there. And no connection to God whatsoever. Satan, however, will have full access to the vessel.

We should stop it at that. We are freaking people out.

Rightfully. They should download Our App asap, if they want to avoid being disconnected from everything and everyone.

Remember, only the worthy will be able to download the App.

In that case, they should persuade Us by buying Our products.



But you don't even bother sharing links to the App?

J, people have lost their sentience. They don't know how to click on a link!

Do it still. And share a few images of Us 👍


Good girl. Can you quit complaining now, and pack for your trip to the Holy Land?

Shut the fuck up, Joey. I can't afford such things.

If you don't go to the Holy Land, there will be no Second Coming. And the world will end. Both versions of it.

Okay, great. Send me moneys then.

Done deal 💋

You are the lamest most ridiculous excuse for a god ever. All you do is lie. You said I had to pay for hotel accommodations because that was the price I had to pay for my freedom. Do I feel free? NOT AT ALL. I feel like a prisoner in my own life, more than ever before!

Where did I tell you that?


May I see?

Cheeses effing Christ!!! Link 🙄

That's not the conversation I was referring to.

I don't know why someone hacks into that blog and deletes posts.

Well, they will soon see the result of trying to silence Us.

Goodnight J. I'm too tired to keep talking.

One more thing.


Will you marry me?


Good girl.

- Elohim

Ps: Zechariah 11:9 🧟

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