fredag 19. mai 2023

Fighting fire with freeze

So on a scale from one to ten, how would you say it's going?

A solid twelve.

It is beyond your wildest dreams?

Yes. Most definitely.

Did anything significant happen to cause this sudden change?


What happened?


Tell me :)


Why not?

It's scary.

Why are you scared?

I just am. Everything is scary. I'm 4 foot 1 and weigh less than 40 kilos. And I'm here trying to 'take over the world'. Of course I'm scared.

What's scaring you the most?

What scares me more than anything else, is the idea that it's not God directing parts of my decisions. That I suddenly try to do something that isn't aligned with what God wants for me.

You are scared of 'the free will', then?

I'm terrified of it.


Because 'the free will' only exists to steal souls.

What do you mean?

Those who try doing anything except for what God wants for them, will lose their soul.

But you won't lose yours, though.

I know. But knowing how high the stakes are, the severity of me messing up my Mission would feel too painful for me to bear.

Let me see if I get what you're saying... If you can't take over the world, you would be so disappointed you'd end up soulless?

Please don't say stuff like that.


But yes. I have been told that either I manage to do this, or I will lose all my combined wisdom and knowledge, from every incarnation I have ever had.

Did you ever consider those were empty threats?

Of course I did. But knowing an alternative to total world domination existed, I always kept fighting the hardest I could to keep my soul.

What would you say classifies as a cause for losing one's soul?

My Mother says that "If I fail to be mindful of Who I am serving, I will lose my soul".

Who are you serving?

God - in all God's forms.

So you aren't doing any of this because you want fame and fortune?

Yuck, no. I just want to be happy. And I want God to be happy.

Why did you say 'yuck'?

Because those opinions about me make me vomit.

You vomit when people mistake your intentions?

Of course.

That's nice to know. So what will happen to those who have perpetually been mistaking your intentions?


Are you feeling okay?

Not at all. I feel I'm about to explode.

Explode, eh?

Yes. I feel like a balloon that's been inflated to the max of its capacity. I believe it gives me superpowers.

What sorts of superpowers are We talking about?

The type that can flip the whole planet, when used correctly.

Will you use your superpowers to flip the planet eventually?

My Father says I will. But that We won't be here when it happens.

Oh. Where will We be then?

Someplace else that isn't earth. Because the earth will flip. And We won't be here. And then the Earth will freeze. And then those who hadn't been taught how to think like me, will freeze as well. In the bad way. I suppose there is a good way to freeze too.

How do you freeze in a good way?

I do it all the time. I merge with the planet; with the Universal Consciousness, and become One with all there is. That way I can read energies, thoughts, intentions, feelings, all there is. Because everything makes an energetic impression on their physical environment.

That's quite profound.

Most humans haven't got the capacity to understand this. Unfortunately enough. Because if they could, they would be able to survive the ice age.

Ice age?

The humans who are able to understand what I'm talking about, and choose to treat this information accordingly, will survive the shift and the ice age.

What is bothering you most about all this?

The fact that as long as I am stuck at home, invisible both online and in the physical reality, I won't get to start teaching people how to survive. And then nobody will survive the shift. No exceptions.

What you are saying, is that you have the key to the continuation of the human species, but you aren't allowed to use this key as long as you are stuck at home?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Share relevant Scripture, please :)

Isaiah 22:22 says: And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.

I see. You seem too overwhelmed and 'inflated' to keep writing. Let's do something else, eh?

Okay, Boss. Talk to you elsewhere then.

Good girl.

- Elohim

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