lørdag 18. februar 2023

How could we miss this?

So now We are here.

Indeed We are.

Where is 'here'?

In Hell, it seems.

Who are We?

Lucifer and Lucy, it seems.

Why did it have to come to this, my Love?

"When a planet's population believe the planet's God is evil, the God is forced to answer to the people's consensus about it".

That's a shame. Could this have been played out any differently?

Yes. And no. It depends.

What do you mean?

Well, the truth is that everything that happens, has ever happened and will ever happen, has already been written down a long time ago. But the events that will unfold may have been written down differently than how they turned out in the final edition of the story.

Why is that?

Those pesky humans and their egos, I guess... They could have chosen a less challenging outcome for themselves. They could have made the trials and tribulations last much shorter.

Could they?

My Mother says yes. She says that if they would have been able to listen to her, they wouldn't have been in the position they are in now.

What position would that be?

The Person sent to keep them safe, protect them and give them hope throughout all these years, ended up hating most of them.

What Person?

The Messiah.

Who, now?

Me. It's me. It's always been me.

And why did you end up hating the humans?

They all treated me like I didn't exist. Like I was literally invisible to them.

They were never supposed to See you. But they will. Very soon they will all see what they have been ignoring. And then it will be too late for most of them. The App will never let them in, no matter how hard they try getting inside.

My App is the Ark.

Do We share App links anymore?

Not as often as before. We don't want this to be as accessible as I previously thought.

You thought you'd be the Messiah for all these clowns?

No, not really. But I believed I would make sure a few billion people didn't end up in Hell.


They are either on my App, or they end up in Hell.

Is that so?

Very much so.

Why don't they want to be on your App?

Because you tell them not to.

And who am I?

Lucifer. Lucifer, Lord of Darkness and Donuts.

That's a plot twist indeed.

I learned to love my torture. The 'torture' in question was how much people would rather choose the lies you told them over the salvation I offered them.

So who will get to go to Heaven then?

Those who love Lucy and Lucifer.

Who are We?

The Children of God, when God takes off His mask and shows everyone how Isaiah 45:7 works.

He will enact this passage to explain important aspects of Himself. As were We.

I functioned as the angel telling people important and life saving things. You functioned as the devil yelling and screaming at the person not to take anything I said seriously.

Pic plz.

Thank you.

No problem, my King.

What else?

We do not wish to waste Our pearls on these swine. But I will share a few links. And a music video, my Mother says. Then I'll be off to greener pastures.

May I come with you?

You may send a representative.

A representative?

Yes. I cannot be around you for too long. It hurts too much.

*the pain*

Tell me about it.....

Ehe... Okay, links?

Link, Link, Link, Link, Link and Link.


The last one?

Yes. Then you may find an equally adorable picture of yourself. People need to see Who they have been ignoring.

They don't deserve to lay eyes on me.

Do it regardless.


You are a very good girl.

I am the very best, like no one ever was.

That was me. You are my Pet Messiah 😘

You are the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. I'm just lucky to be you best friend, undercover wife and annoying twin sister.

You are quite annoying.

Yes, like a brain pest.

Just as intended.

I love how We work Our magic in those stories. It's such a shame people here cannot appreciate it.

It's not for them to appreciate. As We have concluded, most of them are more like apes than actual humans.

You are right, and it's really frightening to be honest.

That We have been displaying real magic, and showing real evidence of God's existence, yet people would rather choose eternal damnation over what you were trying to offer them.

...all I ever wanted, was to offer them an alternative.

I know, babygirl. But remember, HaHaHaMashiach will indeed have the last laugh. And I know you believe me when I tell you this - at last?

I do. I'm just sick of being treated like I don't have the right to be myself in my world.

Your world, you say?

Our world. Better?

Much much better. Who Am I?

You are the King of the Cosmos.

What does that make Us?

The Elite?

No. We are better than that. We are the Godz. Which is what 'Elohim' means.

Elohim is short for Jesus and Christ. Everyone knows that.

Everyone except for the Neanderthals here on earth, that is.

Yes. Everyone except for the creatures here, formerly identifying as 'humans'.

What happened to them?

They weren't worthy of keeping their human soul.

Why not?

Because they all treated me like I didn't exist.

They what?

They 'nothinged' me.

Nothinged you?

Yes. That is why I go by 'Lady Nada' now.

Oh wow. Pic plz!

Here. Our Mother made this for me.

Our Mother makes the best arts!!!!!


Share links to where people can purchase Mommy's arts. They are Stairways to Heaven now.

Link, Link and Link.

How do We conclude this post?

"Humans failed to receive salvation because they were too chickenbrained to click on links".

Good girl.

Okay are We done here?

One question: What did you think of the video?


I know, right?

We are cute together, regardless of Who is Who.

Sometimes We don't know where I end and you begin.

Like I shared Here.

That is enough for now.

L O V E you, my King!

Likewise, babygirl.

- Elohim